Facebook accounts can be disabled easily by you and even by the application itself. There are different options available to users and one of these includes disabling your account if you wish to but there are also instances where the Facebook developers disable an account if they want to.
But, the next important thing to know about is how you can recover the account after your account has been disabled by either of the processes given above. So in this guide, we are going to tell you how you can recover your account after it has been disabled.
Steps to Recover your Facebook Account
This method will work if you wish to recover my Facebook account after disabling it yourself. Follow the steps to get your account back.
You can very easily activate your account by this simple method.
Now, if you think that facebook disabled my account for no reason and you wish to reactivate it then it can be a little complicated as facebook usually disables accounts due to misdemeanors and violations of rules. If you are sure that you have not violated any rule of the Facebook community then, follow the given steps.
This is the correct process with which you can recover my Facebook account. Hope you have understood the correct process with which you can get your disabled account back.